2. In other news, Jon Hood makes his first blog post since March 2, 2006. Congratulations, Jon, and welcome back to the blogging world. It looks like he only posts once or twice a semester, so don't miss it!
3. Not to be outdone, Katie Fussel blogs for the second time in three days about defeating your enemies. If Whitney isn't reading hers, Katie might want to borrow a book and read about other ways of defeating her enemies.
4. Yes, Jessica Willis has outed herself as the freshmen blogger I mentioned the other day. Katie Elizabeth Smith wonders why I haven't mentioned hers yet. Open it to non-friends, Katie!
Oh, give me a break... it is, at least, semi-public. You know you love me... even though my blog isn't out there for everyone with internet access to read. =/
it's not Jessie with a paste-on beard?
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