Monday, August 31, 2009

Strangely Intimate

I got a little uncomfortable watching this:

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Oh Yeaah . ..

But, believe it or not, NO Lemon Fanta:

Friday, August 28, 2009

Welcome Troy University choir to blogging!


Just found out about Troy's director blogging. Why don't you go say hello?

ht Ryan A Reese

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Monday, August 17, 2009

Concert Choir - Haec dies split

Concert Choir,

Please be prepared on Haec dies tomorrow. Here are the splits:

Meredith Foster
Leah Hudspeth
Briana Moore
Elizabeth Wesson
Ariel Reid
Maegan Reid

Samantha Ashley
Madison Holler
Sadie Mason-Smith
Malorie Yance
Rhea Reuter
Lori Ayler
Bobbi Kirby

Hannah Boyd
Emily Fledderman
Trinity Gilliam
Jessica Johnson
Victoria Gosnell
Nancy Lewis
Hillary Miller
Sarah Stevenson
Jennifer Thorp

Shane Bloemetjie
Mark Kunkle
Brian Denton
Kiyoshi Scissum
Kuni Scissum
Micah Brooker
Jeremy Concepcion

Sean Fleischmann
Lincoln Parrott
Chris Barbee
Jordan Burcham
Charles Daniel
Adam Evans
Aaron Grayson

Justin Beatty
Eric Harris
Will Sparks
Patrick Edwards
Alex Fecanin
Tyler Henderson
Tony Morse
Ryan Reese

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Auringon noustessa - Toivo Kuula (1883-1918)

Auringon noustessa with spaces.
Auringon noustessa without spaces.

Nää, oi mun sieluni, auringon korkea nousu
See, O my soul, how the sun rises over the rooftops,

ylitse kivisen kaupungin kattojen, katuin,
Over the wide stony wilderness of this bleak city,

ylitse vuossatain valheen ja tuntien tuskan
Over the centuries of falsehoods and moments of misery,

koittava kirkkaus!
Bold dawning brightness!

Nää, oi mun sieluni, katoovan elämän autuus!
See, O my soul, see the bliss of our life frail and fleeting!

Niinkuni ääretön temppeli on se sun eessäs,
Like an infinite temple it stands before thee,

alla sen holvien on ikiaikojen
Under its somber vaults in ancient silence

äänetön hartaus mestarin hengen.
the soul of the master breathes never-ending.

Nää, oi mun sieluni, yössäkin korkehin kirkkaus,
See, O my soul, how the blackest of nights turn to dawning,

tuskassa tummien hetkien rauha ja riemu,
Moments of darkest despair to relief and rejoicing,

vuossatain valheessa, elämän valheessa valkein,
See how amidst ancient falsehoods of life

iäisin totuus!
Still the brightest truth stands eternal!

Esti dal

I first blogged about Esti dal here and then an inspired post here. Now I'm preparing resources to help us master the language.

Here is the pronunciation without spaces.
Here is the pronunciation with spaces.

Erdő mellett est vélëdtem,
As I lay down for the night by the edge of the woods,

Subám fejem alá tëttem,
I pull my blanket up to my chin.

Összetëttem két kezemet,
I put my hands together,

Úgy kértem jó Istenëmet:
Thus imploring you, my good Lord

Én Istenëm, adjál szállást,
My Lord, grant me a place to stay,

Már mëguntam a járkálást
For I’ve grown tired of wandering,

a bujdosást,
Of hiding,

Az idegën földön lakást.
Of living in a foreign land

Adjon Isten jó éjszakát,
My Lord, grant me a good night.

Küldje hozzám szent angyalát,
Send me your blessed angel

Bátoritsa szívünk álmát,
To give courage to the dreams in our hearts.

Adjon Isten jó éjszakát,
My Lord, grant me a good night.

NJ Teacher To Pay $22K Fine For Phone Call

It's true, read some of the story:
NJ Teacher To Pay $22K Fine For Phone Call
Asbury Park Teacher To Pay Large Fine For 4-Minute Call Made During Class

Her lawyer says a New Jersey teacher won't appeal a $22,000 fine for making a four-minute personal call in class. Attorney Stephen Hunter says Desley Getty acknowledges she made a mistake.
The 120-day salary forfeiture will be based on calendar days and will be deducted from a base salary of about $70,000.

A couple of thoughts:
  • I made $19,000 in my first year of teaching in Clinton, Mississippi.  She's being fined more than I made that entire year.
  • $70,000 is a great salary for a teacher.  no teacher makes close to that in alabama.
  • $22,000 seems a little excessive for a phone call during class, eh?

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

updating contacts


i'm updating contacts on my beautiful blue iphone. i'm adding pictures to my contacts via my google contacts. google may send you an email "suggesting a picture for you."

it doesn't mean i'm stalking you. yet. soon.

don't forget about auditions. lots of great singers this year.

Friday, August 07, 2009

Auditions for Concert Choir

Here it is again.

Sunday, August 16

4:00 for men
5:30 for women
8:00 callbacks if needed

We'll use #308 and #312 (theory room).

Wednesday, August 05, 2009

King of the world

Something new happened the other day . . . my daughter Caroline interrupted me and told me about a song she had just heard on the radio. Now . . . that may not sound so odd to you . . . but none of the girls had ever played with a radio until just recently . . and it was strange to have one of them tell me about something I had never heard of.

Anyway . . . she sang something about "daddy" and "king of the world." I was mildly amused and googled it. Here's what I found. And that was it! Caroline was so pleased.

We listened to it together - and I've got to tell you - I was amazed that my little girl got the message of the song and that it made her think of me. And then I was moved emotionally - the song became a profession of love from Caroline to me.

I'm still a little stunned . . . she found a way to reach me in the medium that means so much to me . . . music.

We found a YouTube video of it tonight and then a little children's story based on the song (or vice versa?). Anyway . . . guess what my new favorite song is?