1. Spiritus Domini (chant) - 60 - 90 seconds
2. Mate Saule (Peteris Vasks) - 4:30 (5:30 - 6:00 total)
3. Spiritus Domini (William Byrd) - 90 seconds (7:30 total)
4. Regina Caeli (Cecilia McDowall) - 2:30 (10:00 total)
5. Death May Dissolve Me (Jaako Mantyjarvi) 4:30 (14:30 total)
6. Esti dal (Zoltan Kodaly) - 3:00 (17:30 total)
7. Nunc dimittis (Vytautas Miškinis) - 5:00 (23:30 total)
We have a 25 minute limit, so this works time wise.
Here is the textual breakdown:
1. Spiritus Domini (chant) - 60 - 90 seconds
The Latin:Spiritus Domini replevit orbem terrarum, Alleluia.
Et hoc quod continet omnia, scientiam habet vocis. Alleluia.
The Spirit of our Lord hath replenished the whole world, alleluia.
And that which containeth all things, hath knowledge of the voice. Alleluia.
2. Mate Saule (Peteris Vasks)
Morning is rising like kneaded bread dough.
Mother’s footsteps clatter on the clay floor.
And loaves, covered with maple leaves,
Travel on the peel into the mouth of the oven.
Lambs still sleep with stars in their eyes
Ploughs still lie idle in men’s dreams,
But Mother Sun churns white butter –
Like eternity – on the threshold.
Time rolled by through the cold dew –
Three centuries or hours three.
When we awoke, the sun was already stepping
Up through the ash trees into the sky.
3. Spiritus Domini (William Byrd)
(see above)4. Regina Caeli (Cecilia McDowall)
Translation: Queen of Heaven, rejoice, alleluia.
For He whom you did merit to bear, alleluia.
Has risen, as He said, alleluia.
Pray for us to God, alleluia.
5. Death may dissolve me (Jaako Mantyjarvi)
Death may dissolve my body now, And bear my spirit home;
Why do my minutes move so slow, Nor my salvation come?
With heavn’ly weapons I have fought The battles of the Lord,
Finished my course, and kept the faith, And wait the sure reward.
God has laid up in Heav’n for me A crown which cannot fade;
The righteous Judge at that great day Shall place it on my head.
Nor hat the King of Grace decreed This prize for me alone;
But all that love, and long to see Th’appearance of His Son.
Jesus, the Lord, shall guard me safe From ev’ry ill design;
And to his heav’nly Kingdom keep This feeble soul of mine.
God is my everlasting aid, And Hell shall rage in vain;
To Him be highest glory paid, And endless praise, Amen.
-William Billings – Isaac Watts
6. Esti dal (Zoltan Kodaly)
Translation: As I lay down for the night by the edge of the woods,
I pull my blanket up to my chin.
I put my hands together,
Thus imploring you, my good Lord
My Lord, grant me a place to stay,
For I’ve grown tired of wandering,
Of hiding,
Of living in a foreign land
My Lord, grant me a good night.
Send me your blessed angel
To give courage to the dreams in our hearts.
7. Nunc dimittis (Vytautas Miškinis)
Translation: LORD, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace:
according to thy word.
For mine eyes have seen: thy salvation,
Which thou hast prepared
before the face of all people;
To be a light to lighten the Gentiles:
and to be the glory of thy people Israel.
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son:
and to the Holy Ghost;
As it was in the beginning,
is now, and ever shall be:
world without end. Amen.
great transitions.
fits our theme well.
but OsJusti was still a BA piece,
would be awesome to find another piece from that period that has that same type of power & subtlety.
I like the set because of the way you incorporate the chant from the beginning into the chant-like/wavy lines in Mate, that leads into the new Byrd piece which has the same text as our opener. It comes full circle. Great planning, not just as a last minute resort, but in general.
But again, I'm not getting a big kick off of the Byrd. Don't hate it, don't love it. It's nice.
But then again, in a set full a dissonant, contemporary pieces...it will probably be very refreshing....ha, I think I'm just still mad about the Bruckner piece.
But, can we try and find another short setting of a "Spiritus Domini" from that time period? Is that almost impossible?
I know how much you have put into this and how much stress it has been. Not trying to add to that, just wanting to explore every option...Ok, i sound bad enough already. later.
You don't sound bad at all. As a matter of fact, I've marveled at your understanding and insight. Quite intuitive as a young man in this profession!
I think that many pieces would work in the "slot", including an Alleluia or some other song of praise, especially one that spoke of morning.
I'll look - you do it as well! Monday deadline.
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