Thursday, September 09, 2004

I meant what i said . .

We are much further along than we were at this time last year and we are well on course to accomplish great things. Congratulations on your work so far!

I spoke with Dr. Reynolds today about new dresses for women and we will be moving that direction very soon. The plan is for UAB to get out of the dress business and have the women purchase their own outfit and sell it (eventually). The great part about that is that we get to wear something new, different and (hopefully) better. The thing we need to remember is that the dresses must look good on all body types--not just the models wearing the dresses. I'm sure we'll be looking here for dresses:
and some girls have already indicated an interest in dresses like this one:


Anonymous said...

Hey Dr C! LOOK! A comment! hehe. Um, the dress you linked to looks good but what kind of colors would we be looking at? Would we be wearing those colors? And not everyone looks good in green&gold, haha. all right well bye! - Katie Mo (i'm too lazy to get one so this is the easiest way to comment)

Anonymous said...

Hey Copeland, it's Sarah. So when are we looking at the new dress thing? next semester? Here's my two cents on the dresses: boo for the stage accents style you linked to... anything with sparkly fabric is distracting and anything other than black onstage in a choral setting is grotesque. As to the southeasternperf dresses, Balata was my favorite. Nothing sleeveless, and the velvet/satin combo look is a bit dated.

okay so i'm opinionated. i'm alright with that. so there.

delia said...

hey...this blog thing is kinda cool....anyway on the southwestern website i think we should use the rondo b/c i already have that beautiful dress (hehe), really i do agree with sarah about the balata it would look good on everyone...anyway, thats all i have now...later...oh yeah --LOOK AT YOUR MUSIC BEFORE T/M (thanks i love you all)

delia said...

sorry *southeasternperf*...i figured that everyone would figure what i was talking about...but i just wanted to fix it so i wouldnt stress about what i wrote...not that i ever stress :)

Jessie said...

Hey Copie, umm, I'm glad you realize we are awesome! haha Anyway, about the dresses, on the fancy dress I say BOOOOO! On the southeastern performance website, I like the ballata, and the oratorio. Even though in the oratorio picture the woman looks really scary, I still like the way it flows at the bottom. However, I have worn a dress like both of these and the sleeves cut your arm in half whenever you try to put on your shoes or do anything other than standing still. I guess sometimes you just have to deal with stuff like that, but I wanted to share that with everyone. Thanks, have a nice day, or night (which ever suits you)! :-)

Katie Mo said...

HEY! look how un-lazy i can be! or bored. whichever. anyway, i would just like to say that i don't like the sparkly dresses either, and also that i don't agree with anyone else on the balata and think that it is a hideous creation of shiny blackness that will be weird looking but oh well. i'll probably complain about anything you pick, i'll go ahead and say that now, hehehe. Why can't we just wear jeans and ties? ;)

Anonymous said...

hey hey hey its katie k. yeah i agee about the sparkles...not good..i like the all black and the black with a white slit... kind of like what we have now..actalluy i would settle for anything short-sleeved!!!

Kittaroo said...

The other 2 Katies posted so I thought I would too... I'll like anything as long as long as it doesn't make me trip and fall. That happens a lot and I don't like it.

Rob said...
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Anonymous said...

(Leah)--I second Jessie's opinion. I like the Oratorio dress, and the Cadenza. I especially like the flattering princess seams on the Cadenza, and it would be easy to wash, too!