Monday, September 08, 2008

potential unlimited

both my uab groups are exceeding my expectations and i'm so proud.

i'm having a blast with the VideoGamesLive with Chamber Choir.  Jauchzet is going to be better than the first time I did it with UAB Concert Choir.

Concert Choir is excelling at difficult works and sounding better every day.

I'm proud of everyone and always looking forward to the next rehearsal.  Every day.

keep it up.


Anonymous said...

well, if we're enjoying it half as much as you seem to be then i think we're all in for a really splendid time

when are you going to put up that ever so nifty RSS feed button ive heard so much about that will let me subscribe to this blog?

Charlie Boy said...

I'm just happy to be here, lol...

Anonymous said...

I must excitedly agree in that there have been some serious jam sessions going on in that room for the past few weeks now.

Gnarly jams.

Proud to be a part of it.

Unknown said...

RSS feed is always there, anonymous. it's orange.

Anonymous said...

i found it at the bottom of the page but i dont see the orange button, it just says "Subscribe to: Posts (Atom)"

i was still able to subscribe, but i was searching up and down for that orang button and never found it

Mezzo with a Mission said...

See? Told you we needed a post...