Thursday, November 27, 2008

MusicGeek Utopia

Inspired by an anonymous commenter in the earlier post, I give you this (I first posted it here on the ChoralNet Blog)

UPDATE: Ryan Reese has identified himself as the music geek. We welcome you to be blog, Ryan, even if you aren't yet a student at UAB.

What would you say if I told you there was a place on this earth...

- Where children 4 months old start with music classes with parents;
- Where music education at various institutions provides tutoring to infant music groups;
- Where three and four year olds attend music class once or twice a week;
- Where children ages 4 and 5 have specialized music classes;
- Where six year olds start to play many different songs, and learn music by playing games with instruments;
- Where EVERY schools give general classes of music;
- Where music schools in every community provide basic level music instruction connected to the conservatories who provide further studies;
- Where adult education centers are available for those who want to continue or even for those who want to start studying music;
- Where people are able to enroll at a center each year to receive tutoring at all different levels, in everything from classical to pop music;
- Where every community has a school of music and anyone of any age can jump right in and without any cost start to play;
- Where there is an ongoing National campaign to encourage children to love music;

- And where the government covers all expenses?

Would you call this a musical utopia of someone's runaway imagination?


You would call it.... Finland!

See here for more.


Anonymous said...

i'm "Batman! Dun-nuh-nuh-nuh!"
(I try to remain Anonymous, for I am not yet a student @ Uab. lol)

but i really would love to live in a MusicGeek Utopia..but i'm too broke to go to Finland. : (
oh well..
maybe Starbucks and the classical section in the music department of Barnes & Noble will do the job for now. : D

Madi said...

hmm...finland. seems pretty popular in my world lately.

Harry Miree said...

Birmingham is next.