If you can make this, you should go.
From A Cappella News:
As an additional treat this year’s special guest artist are none other than Sweden’s The Real Group who will be performing on Saturday July 5 at the Sommet Center in Nashville starting at 2pm. Tickets are available to the general public and can be purchased from Ticketmaster.
YAY!!!!!!!!!! I am so excited!
~ Jenny Rebecca Smith
Welcome to my world children. If you didn't already notice this is part of the festivities revolving around the Barbershop Harmony Society's international quartet and chorus competition and convention. My entourage and I will personally be there that night and the two days before and after. DO make sure you stick around for the Voices of Lee as well as several time international barbershop chorus champions the Ambassadors of Harmony under the direction of Dr. Jim Henry. Guys this is like Mecca for me. You have no idea. Plus for the Real Group to be there too. My life will basically be completeed that week. All im saying is go and watch the heck out of those Sweeds but man stick around and get you some barbershop. Also the quartet FINALS thats right the FINALS to decide who will be this year INTETNATIONAL CHAMPION will be is only 30 minutes after the show. This is big ya'll!!!
Be there.
Got my tickets long ago. See you there Linc and "entourage".
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