Wednesday, October 22, 2008


We're staying in homes next Thursday night (as you know).

Do any of you have allergies that I need to know about?  Dog?  Cat?  Other?


Mezzo with a Mission said...

cats and smoke-

Mezzo with a Mission said...

Gee-"don't" publish this one, but I AL+M very allergic to the random asshole...

Jennifer said...


Anonymous said...

mark's crazy allergic to cats... and moderately allergic to dogs.


Anonymous said...

I am EXTREMELY allergic to cats. Dogs are fine as long as it's an outside dog. I have asthma also so smoke is not too good for me either.

~Jenny Rebecca Smith

Anonymous said...

I'm allergic to cats!!

-Mark and Brianna.

Anonymous said...

All animals who have dander. Smoke. Cockroaches. Sudden changes in temperature or pressure. Wool. Cologne/perfume.

-Bubble Boy

Anonymous said...

Yeah, dogs and smoke here...

Jacob Wooten

Jennifer said...
