Friday, April 25, 2008

The Continental Blog

In case you don't know, there is a group of our students that are staying over in Europe after the Ireland tour is over. Martin has named them "the continental's" and Ashley has started a blog to keep up with their travels.

I'm proud of the group and left them this comment:
Welcome to the blogging world, So. Continental's. I'm actually quite proud of the experience you've embarked upon with the post-choir trip. It's a great time to do it in your lives and it will give you a number of stories to share for the rest of your life. Most of all, however, the experience will likely change you in some subtle (and some profound) ways.
Be brave, Continental's! Have fun . . . show appropriate caution . . . take care of each other . . . live life . . . remember you represent us as well as yourselves.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

First post didn't show up, so here it goes again. Also check out the "Runaways" blog at