Sunday, November 06, 2005

I'm still thinking about it

Originally uploaded by philipco.
One doesn't want to dwell on the past, of course . . . but you shouldn't let the moment go too soon, either.

I've enjoyed the memory of Thursday's concert all weekend. I was reminded of it in church today from an instrumental music major at Samford University. She told me that her choir friends were very impressed with our singing and hadn't stopped talking about it yet. She made it a point to mention that some of the people singing our praises were people that don't normally sing praises---I told her that I knew what she meant and that I understood. (i'm sure you know exactly the type)

I think that Thursday's singing will be remembered by all those in attendance. We will draw on Thursday's strength before the next time we sing--we will remember the experience and we will do what it takes to make it happen again.

As good as it was, we will be better. I would estimate that about 2/3 of our group was operating at a very high level. There is another 1/3 that hasn't found it yet.

I don't think that they are trying to hold us back, they just don't know what it means--or what it feels like--to perform like I want you to perform. The full engagement of mental-physical-emotional-facial-spiritual aspects of music is rare--very rare.

We will continue to search . . . and to be inspired.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If you have missed this book you should pick up a copy. The Musician's Soul: A Journey Examining Spirituality for Performers, Teachers, Composers, Conductors, and Music Educators by James Jordan. It was required reading for our high school choir. It is a great book!