Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Time to get deposits to Witte

Time to fish or cut bait, choir!

Ireland deposits are due Thursday. Now is the time to step out on faith and dare something great.
Application and details are here


Cherith said...

Noone is commenting, so if you're on the fence...here's my 2 cents...when i was in college - we were all poor and we didn't go on the "big trip" - we always tried, but it always fell through because people backed out. You will never have "enough" money to go, you will always have to eat beanie-weenie's, but now is the time in your life to do it. Now, 11 years later, who cares if I had eaten Ramen noodles for an entire year, I'd be thinner and I'd have had that great trip! So, bite the bullet and GO!!!

Mezzo with a Mission said...

Well, if the "details" page is what we're to expect, then the printing at 100 point type and BACKWARDS should be quite acceptable?...am I the only one with trouble getting this to print?...a challenge to overcome?...trick question?...we're really only taking a tour to Bessemer?...

Unknown said...

Huh? Try rebooting or downloading the latest version of Adobe Reader.