Thursday, September 29, 2005

A greeting from the past

Dear Dr. Copeland and Concert Choir,

I wanted to let you know that I miss everyone and the experience of singing with you. I am very proud of the UAB Concert Choir and excited about its' future. I am considering auditioning and hopefully joining you again in the Spring. I feel as though a big piece of my life is missing and I am almost positive that it is singing in a Choir full of amazing people and fantastic singers. I hope everyone is putting forth their best and enjoying every moment of it. Singing in a Choir like this and with a director like you is truly a once in a lifetime opportunity and it took not being a part of that for me to realize just how important it is to me. Choir is like an escape from the world. It is a haven for expressing individual talent as well as meshing those talents into something awesome. Once again, I hope to join you again soon and best wishes for this fall.

With Love and Support,

Amanda Gorsuch


Lauren Davidson said...


What up woman? we really miss you down in the Alto 2s! and would LOVE to have you back...can't wait to see your shining face, until then i guess i'll just have to eat at Brio a lot! haha

Love, Lauren

Mr. Henry said...

Amanda come back!
We miss you and will be praying for you